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We have established close cooperation with institutions and key actors on an international and European level, including legislative, executive and judicial instruments, and we are members of significant networks to further promote and advocate for the rights of the child on a global scale. 

Such affiliations include: 

Observatory status at the Council of Europe’s Lanzarote Committee

Observer status at the Children’s Rights Committee of the Council of Europe

Participatory status at the CoE’s Conference of International Non-governmental Organizations (INGOs)

Cooperating partner of CoE for the ONE in FIVE Campaign

Member of Missing Children Europe

Member of Child Helpline International

Founding member of PROMISE Barnahus Network

Founding member of European Guardianship Network

National Focal Point for the European Juvenile Justice Observatory

Member of the Destination Unknown Campaign

Participant in the Fundamental Rights Platform of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

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