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The Regenerate and Innovate: Social Impact Volunteering for Youth (RISIV) project is a transnational partnership between France, Spain, Portugal, the UK, Italy and Cyprus, that aims to provide an innovative model of social inclusion through youth participation in community service through local and structured social impact projects (SIPs) alongside with local communities in need.

The project aims to design, test, validate and produce new guidance and support material for youth workers, youth leaders, and young people aged 13-17 to co-produce, implement and evaluate locality-based volunteering projects for social impact.

Locality and neighbourhood are the places where young people are brought up, live their lives, and are make their way in the world. For those young people living in disadvantaged localities, the negative impact of the financial crisis was two-fold; firstly, their communities were those that most widely bore the brunt of the increases in further deprivation and inequality; and second, as they were approaching and entering the age where they would begin their work- lives, they became the 'NEET' generation left behind by the increase in unemployment.

In the framework of the project, the participants can acquire a new curriculum for youth workers on co-production and mobilization concepts and techniques for young people working in local communities with different actors, and they can get guidelines for youth leaders on peer development and the project lifecycle.

Funding reference

RISIV is a project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission (Ref. 2020-3-FR02-KA205-018383)

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