DIGI CORE Enhancing children's participation through Digital Complaints and Reporting (Children Digi-CORE) is a project between Italy...

Bigtime Takeover
Bigtime Takeover Creative empowerment for Europe's disadvantaged youth. The new European project “Bigtime Takeover aims at empowering...

PROMISE III Formalising the European Barnahus Movement through establishing training in Europe and a formal network. This project aims to...

CARE - Leaving with care – Living with care
CARE - Leaving with care – Living with care CARE project aims at investigating what is the trauma that children may experience during the...

YCREATE Voices for respect, celebrating difference, and tackling hate (YCreate) is a Strategic Partnership between the United Kingdom,...

FORM Not only adults and families with children try to reach Europe to start a better life but also youngsters and even children arrive...

RISIV The Regenerate and Innovate: Social Impact Volunteering for Youth (RISIV) project is a transnational partnership between France,...

FA.B! Project
FA.B! Project FA.B! - FAmily Based care for children in migration is a transnational project aimed at supporting the improvement and...

Transnational Youth Forum 2022:Climate Change,Global Concerns and impact on the Rights of the Future
Transnational Youth Forum 2022: Climate Change, Global Concerns and impact on the Rights of the Future Generations Transnational Youth...

JudEx+: Towards a child-friendly justice in cases of sexual violence against children
JudEx+: Towards a child-friendly justice in cases of sexual violence against children Main Objectives All children, adolescents and youth...

#ATTraCT+ Project info:#ATTraCT#: Transnational cooperation and new technologies to train social workers on trafficking in human beings...

PROMISE II Commitment and Capacity Building for the European Barnahus Movement. Main Objectives When a child is exposed to harm, a number...

CONVEY–Counteracting sexual violence and harassment: engaging Youth in Schools in digital education
CONVEY – Counteracting sexual violence and harassment: engaging Youth in Schools in digital education on Gender Stereotyping. “Hope For...

CREUS. “Developing and nurturing the vocational transversal skills of disadvantaged young people
CREUS. “Developing and nurturing the vocational transversal skills of disadvantaged young people through creative, non-formal learning in...

European Solidarity Corps
European Solidarity Corps The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) is the new European Union initiative which creates opportunities for young...

HIT: Hate Interrupter Teams – Youth counteracting hate speech towards migrants and minorities throug
HIT: Hate Interrupter Teams – Youth counteracting hate speech towards migrants and minorities through participatory and creative...

Transnational Youth Forum on the right to education: building a brighter future for the Children
Transnational Youth Forum on the right to education: building a brighter future for the Children on the Move Transnational Youth Forum on...

MiCREATE: Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe
MiCREATE: Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe The overall objective of the project is to stimulate the inclusion of...

MEDIS – Mediterranean Inclusive Schools
MEDIS – Mediterranean Inclusive Schools “Hope for Children” CRC Policy Center and partners, coordinated by World University Service of...

ALFACA II. “Alternative Family Care”
ALFACA II. “Alternative Family Care” Main Objectives Only a small proportion of unaccompanied and separated children in the EU live in...