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Transnational Youth Forum 2022: Climate Change, Global Concerns and impact on the Rights of the Future Generations

Transnational Youth Forum 2022: Climate Change, Global Concerns and impact on the Rights of the Future Generations is a project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, which aims at bringing together youth, experts and policy-makers from different European countries to foster debate, promote the active participation of young people and raise awareness on the interdependence between Climate Change and the Rights of Future Generations.

“Hope for Children” CRC Policy Center, based in Nicosia, with the valuable contributions of the University of Verona and the University of Torino from Italy, the New University of Lisbon from Portugal and Rinova LTD from the UK, is committed to encourage mutual dialogue on Climate Change and its inextricable link with the violation of the Rights of Future Generations, involving several key-actors such as youth, stakeholders, policy-makers and civil society organizations, both at national and transnational level.

The Transnational Youth Forum will take place on March 16th and 17th, 2022 in Nicosia (Cyprus) and it will be a great opportunity for young participants and stakeholders to exchange ideas, propose policy recommendations and discuss sustainable solutions to tackle the negative impact of Climate Change on the Human Rights of Future Generations. During the Forum, 40 students from Cyprus, Portugal, Italy and the UK will participate in a Workshop presenting the Final Report "Climate Change, Global Concerns and the Rights of future Generations" and preparing policy-recommendations and advocacy actions. During the Final Conference, the project's outcomes will be discussed with local environmental and youth NGOs, experts and decision-makers.

Funding reference

Transnational Youth Forum 2022 is a project co-financed by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Commission (Ref: 2020-3-CY02-KA347-001971)

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